Sunday, January 13, 2013

寮備埂寮傚 Stranger In A Strange Land_120

ch category of humancreativity it might be assigned. The important point was that the artist hadaccidentally discorporated before he finished his masterpiece.
  Unexpected discorporation was always rare on Mars; Martian taste in suchmatters called for life to be a rounded whole, with physical death taking placeat the appropriate and selected instant. This artist, however, had become sopreoccupied with his work that he had forgotten to come in out of the cold; bythe time his absence was noticed his body was hardly fit to eat. He himselfhad not noticed his own discorporation and had gone nght on composing hissequence.
  Martian art was divided sharply into two categories, that sort created by livingadults,coach canada outlet, which was vigorous, often quite radical, and primitive, and that of theOld Ones,pink foamposites, which was usually conservative, extremely complex, and wasexpected to show much higher standards of technique; the two sorts werejudged separately.
  By what standards should this opus be judged? It bridged from the corporateto the discorporate,; its final form had been set throughout by an Old One-yeton the other hand the artist, with the detachment of all artists everywhere,had not even noticed the change in his status and had Continued to work asif he were corporate. Was it possibly a new sort of art? Could more suchpieces be produced by surprise discorporation of artists while they wereworking? The Old Ones had been discussing the exciting possibilities inruminative rapport for centuries and all corporate Martians were eagerlyawaiting their verdict,Homepage.
  The question was of greater interest because it had not been abstract art, butreligious (in the Terran sense) and strongly emotional~ it described thecontact between the Martian Race and the people of the fifth planet, an eventthat had happened long ago but which was alive and important to Martians inthe sense in which one death by crucifixion remained alive and important tohumans after two Terran millennia. The Martian Race had encountered thepeople of the fifth

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