Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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So, after spending scarcely twenty-four hours in Dal, or rather at the inn, the traveler left without making the slightest effort to see anything of the surrounding country, Gousta, and Rjukanfos, and the wonders of the valley of the Vesfjorddal were entirely ignored.
It certainly could not have been for pleasure that he left Drammen, so he must have come on business, and the sole object of his visit seemed to have been a careful examination of Dame Hansen's establishment.
It was plain to Hulda that her mother was deeply troubled, for she seated herself in her big arm-chair, and pushing aside her spinning-wheel, remained there silent and motionless.
In the meantime the traveler had gone into the dining-room and seated himself at the table. Though the breakfast was as carefully prepared as the dinner of the evening before, it seemed to give no better satisfaction; and yet the guest eat and drank in the same leisurely fashion. His attention seemed to be chiefly bestowed upon the silver--a luxury highly prized among Norwegian peasants, where the few forks and spoons which are handed down from father to son are carefully preserved with the family jewels.
Meanwhile the _skydskarl_ busied himself with his preparations for departure; and by eleven o'clock the horse and kariol were standing before the door of the inn.
The weather was still threatening; the sky was dull and overcast, and now and then big drops of rain dashed against the window-panes; but this traveler with his heavy cloak lined with sheep-skin was not a man to worry about the weather.
Breakfast over, he called for one more glass of brandy, lighted his pipe, and put on his coat, then stepping out into the hall he called for his bill.
"I will make it out immediately," replied Hulda, seating herself at a small desk.
"Be quick about it," said the traveler. "And now," he added, "you had better bring me your book so I can write my name in it."
Dame Hansen rose and left the room to get the register, which, on her return, she placed upon the large table.
The stranger picked up a pen and took one more long look at Dame Hansen over his spectacles; then he wrote his name in a large, round hand, and closed the book.
Just at that moment Hulda handed him his bill. He took it, examined each item separately, and then proceeded to add up the figures, grumbling all the while.
"Hum!" he exclaimed. "This is very dear! Seven marks and a half for a night's lodging and two meals!"
"You forget the _skydskarl_ and the horse," remarked Hulda.
"Nevertheless, I think your charge very high. I really don't see how you can expect to prosper if you are so exorbitant in your charges."
"You owe me nothing, sir," said Dame Hansen, in a voice that trembled so that it was scarcely audible.
She had just opened the register and read the name inscribed upon it, and now taking the bill and tearing it up, she repeated:
"You owe me nothing."
"That is exactly my opinion,'" replied the stranger.
And without bidding them good-bye on his departure any more than he had bidden them good-day on his arrival, he climbed into his kariol, and the _skydskarl_ jumped upon the board behind him. A few seconds later he had disappeared around a turn in the road. When Hulda opened the book she found there only this name--

Sunday, October 28, 2012

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In Yokohama, I went to Hundred Steps, at the top of which lives a Japanese belle, Oyuchisan, who is the theme for artist and poet, and the admiration of tourists. One of the pleasant events of my stay was the luncheon given for me on the Omaha, the American war vessel lying at Yokohama. I took several drives, enjoying the novelty of having a Japanese running by the horses’ heads all the while. I ate rice and eel. I visited the curio shops, one of which is built in imitation of a Japanese house, and was charmed with the exquisite art I saw there; in short, I found nothing but what delighted the finer senses while in Japan.
Chapter 16 Across the Pacific
IT was a bright sunny morning when I left Yokohama. A number of new friends in launches escorted me to the Oceanic, and when we hoisted anchor the steam launches blew loud blasts upon their whistles in farewell to me, and the band upon the Omaha played “Home, Sweet Home,” “Hail Columbia,” and “The Girl I Left Behind Me,” in my honor; and I waved my handkerchief so long after they were out of sight that my arms were sore for days. My feverish eagerness to be off again on my race around the world was strongly mingled with regret at leaving such charming friends and such a lovely land.
Everything promised well for a pleasant and rapid voyage. Anticipating this, Chief-engineer Allen caused to be written over the engines and throughout the engine room, this date and couplet:
“For Nellie Bly,
We’ll win or die.
January 20, 1890.”
It was their motto and was all very sweet to me. The runs were marvelous until the third day out, and then a storm came upon us. They tried to cheer me, saying it would only last that day, but the next day found it worse, and it continued, never abating a moment; head winds, head sea, wild rolling, frightful pitching, until I fretfully waited for noon when I would slip off to the dining-room to see the run, hoping that it would have gained a few miles on the day before, and always being disappointed. And they were all so good to me! Bless them for it! If possible, they suffered more over the prospect of my failure than I did.
“If I fail, I will never return to New York,” I would say despondently; “I would rather go in dead and successful than alive and behind time.”
“Don’t talk that way, child,” Chief Allen would plead, “I would do anything for you in my power. I have worked the engines as they never were worked before; I have sworn at this storm until I have no words left; I have even prayed-I haven’t prayed before for years-but I prayed that this storm may pass over and that we may get you in on time.”
“I know that I am not a sinner,” l laughed hysterically. “Day and night my plea has been, ‘Be merciful to me a sinner,’ and as the mercy has not been forthcoming, the natural conclusion is that I’m not a sinner. It’s hopeless, it’s hopeless!”
“Don’t think so,” the purser would beg; “don’t be so disheartened; why, child, if by jumping overboard I could bring you happiness and success, I should do so in a moment.”
“Never mind, little girl, you’re all right,” the jolly, happy-hearted captain would laugh. “I’ve bet every cent I have in the bank that you’ll get in before you are due. Just take my word for it, you’ll be in New York at least three days ahead of time.”

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At Sanders's word he turned.
"Walk with me for a few minutes," said Sanders, and, with an apology to the girl, he followed the other from the room.
"What is it?" asked Hamilton.
Sanders was perturbed--this he knew, and his own move towards his room was in the nature of a challenge for information.
"Bones," said the Commissioner shortly. "Do you realize that we have had no news from him since he left?"
Hamilton smiled.
"He's an erratic beggar, but nothing could have happened to him, or we should have heard about it."
Sanders did not reply at once. He paced up and down the gravelled path before the Residency, his hands behind him.
"No news has come from Ranabini's village for the simple reason that nobody has entered or left it since Bones arrived," he said. "It is situated, as you know, on a tongue of land at the confluence of two rivers. No boat has left the beaches, and an attempt to reach it by land has been prevented by force."
"By force?" repeated the startled Hamilton.
Sanders nodded.
"I had the report in this morning. Two men of the Isisi from another village went to call on some relations. They were greeted with arrows, and returned hurriedly. The headman of M'gomo village met with the same reception. This came to the ears of my chief spy Ahmet, who attempted to paddle to the island in his canoe. At a distance of two hundred yards he was fired upon."
"Then they've got Bones?" gasped Hamilton.
"On the contrary, Bones nearly got Ahmet, for Bones was the marksman."
The two men paced the path in silence.
"Either Bones has gone mad," said Hamilton, "or----"
Hamilton laughed helplessly.
"I can't fathom the mystery," he said. "McMasters will be down to-morrow, to look at some sick men. We'll take him up, and examine the boy."
It was a subdued little party that boarded the _Zaire_ the following morning, and Patricia Hamilton, who came to see them off, watched their departure with a sense of impending trouble.
Dr. McMasters alone was cheerful, for this excursion represented a break in a somewhat monotonous routine.
"It may be the sun," he suggested. "I have known several fellows who have gone a little nutty from that cause. I remember a man at Grand Bassam who shot----"
"Oh, shut up, Mac, you grisly devil!" snapped Hamilton. "Talk about butterflies."
The _Zaire_ swung round the bend of the river that hid Ranabini's village from view, but had scarcely come into sight when--
Sanders saw the bullet strike the river ahead of the boat, and send a spiral column of water shooting into the air. He put up his glasses and focussed them on the village beach.
"Bones!" he said grimly. "Take her in, Abiboo."
As the steersman spun the wheel--
This time the shot fell to the right.
The three white men looked at one another.
"Let every man take cover," said Sanders quietly. "We're going to that beach even if Bones has a battery of 75's!"
An exclamation from Hamilton arrested him.
"He's signalling," said the Houssa Captain, and Sanders put up his glasses again.
Bones's long arms were waving at ungainly angles as he semaphored his warning.

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"To be sure, Mr. Starr," replied Jack; "why should I not? I may just as well see that pretty girl on the waters of Loch Katrine, as those ugly ghosts on Loch Malcolm in the coal pit."
It was by this time three o'clock in the afternoon. The less hilly shores of Loch Katrine westward extended like a picture framed between Ben An and Ben Venue. At the distance of half a mile was the entrance to the narrow bay, where was the landing-place for our tourists, who meant to return to Stirling by Callander.
Nell appeared completely worn out by the continued excitement of the day. A faint ejaculation was all she was able to utter in token of admiration as new objects of wonder or beauty met her gaze. She required some hours of rest, were it but to impress lastingly the recollection of all she had seen.
Her hand rested in Harry's, and, looking earnestly at her, he said, "Nell, dear Nell, we shall soon be home again in the gloomy region of the coal mine. Shall you not pine for what you have seen during these few hours spent in the glorious light of day?"
"No, Harry," replied the girl; "I shall like to think about it, but I am glad to go back with you to our dear old home."
"Nell!" said Harry, vainly attempting to steady his voice, "are you willing to be bound to me by the most sacred tie? Could you marry me, Nell?"

"Yes, Harry, I could, if you are sure that I am able to make you happy," answered the maiden, raising her innocent eyes to his.
Scarcely had she pronounced these words when an unaccountable phenomenon took place. The Rob Roy, still half a mile from land, experienced a violent shock. She suddenly grounded. No efforts of the engine could move her.
The cause of this accident was simply that Loch Katrine was all at once emptied, as though an enormous fissure had opened in its bed. In a few seconds it had the appearance of a sea beach at low water. Nearly the whole of its contents had vanished into the bosom of the earth.
"My friends!" exclaimed James Starr, as the cause of this marvel became suddenly clear to him, "God help New Aberfoyle!"
Chapter 16 A Final Threat
ON that day, in the colliery of New Aberfoyle, work was going on in the usual regular way. In the distance could be heard the crash of great charges of dynamite, by which the carboniferous rocks were blasted. Here masses of coal were loosened by pick-ax and crowbar; there the perforating machines, with their harsh grating, bored through the masses of sandstone and schist.
Hollow, cavernous noises resounded on all sides. Draughts of air rushed along the ventilating galleries, and the wooden swing-doors slammed beneath their violent gusts. In the lower tunnels, trains of trucks kept passing along at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, while at their approach electric bells warned the workmen to cower down in the refuge places. Lifts went incessantly up and down, worked by powerful engines on the surface of the soil. Coal Town was throughout brilliantly lighted by the electric lamps at full power.
Mining operations were being carried on with the greatest activity; coal was being piled incessantly into the trucks, which went in hundreds to empty themselves into the corves at the bottom of the shaft. While parties of miners who had labored during the night were taking needful rest, the others worked without wasting an hour.

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"Perhaps he got tired of waiting and went home," suggested the colonel.
"That wouldn't be Gerald," averred Rand and Donald. "He wouldn't go off and leave us without saying anything and, besides, he was here when they came, for he gave us the signal."
"Well, he isn't here now," decided the colonel after another look around. "Hello, Gerald!" he called, and the boys sounded the call on their bugles.
"He ought to answer that if he is anywhere around," said Rand.
"Do you think they could have carried him off?" asked Pepper.
"I don't know what to think," replied the colonel. "It's queer. You boys certainly have an amazing faculty for getting into trouble."
"But how did you get here?" asked Rand.
"I was just taking a stroll," replied the colonel, "when I heard the noise and came down to see what it was."
Chapter 21 A Surprise
"W-W-WHAT was that?" stammered Pepper. "I t-thought I heard a cry. T-t-there it is again," as a faint call came from the river.
The three boys were standing on the landing with Colonel Snow, still discussing the mysterious disappearance of Gerald.
"T-that you, Gerald?" shouted Pepper.
"Where are you?" cried Donald; but, without waiting for a reply, he threw off his coat and shoes and plunged into the river, swimming in the direction from which the cry had come,
"He's all right!" came the reassuring cry from Donald a little later. "I have got him," and shortly afterwards reappeared paddling a boat in which was the bewildered Gerald, who was helped onto the landing by the colonel and the others.
"H-h-how did you g-get into the boat, Gerald?" asked Pepper when Gerald had somewhat recovered from the effects of his experience. "Did you think it was a good time to take a row?"
"It looks that way," replied Gerald. "But when Rand called to me to stop them I ran out to try and head them off, but something gave me a rap on the head and the next thing I knew I found myself lying in that boat. Say, I feel as if I had a head like a pumpkin."
"I s-should think it would feel more like a s-squash," commented Pepper.
"That is going altogether too far," asserted the colonel indignantly. "It might have had a very serious ending. I think that there is a bad quarter-of-an-hour in store for that Rae boy if I can get hold of him in the morning."
As there was no likelihood that Monkey Rae would return to renew his attempt to injure the boat the house was locked and the boys went back to the town discussing, as they went, the events of the evening. The colonel was very indignant.
When they came near to the top of the hill they were met by Jack, who was running at full speed down the road.
"Hello!" called Rand when he came near. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"
"Hello," returned Jack, slowing up and joining the others. "Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you."
"Down to the boathouse," replied Rand.
"Down to the boathouse!" exclaimed Jack. "What took you down there tonight?"
"Why, we heard that Monkey was g-going to s-smash the boat," answered Pepper.
"Monkey!" cried Jack. "I wish I had been there----"

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Whenever she works at home, this graphic artist is haunted by a bunch of little faces. Creating print ads and coupons were what she did while at home, but everything that she did seemed colorless. Observing her through a screened door are four felines and four canines.

Because of those faces, this 34 year old's world suddenly opened up to new career. On the way to Texas, she took out the pictures of the animals and decided to paint them on canvas. Not just still lifes but portraits of green dogs and purple cats, using the kinds of colors seen on an animal but the colors she feels through their personalities.

Her objective in making animal paintings is to capture their essence. I can use different colors to paint the animal and project its personality. It was the painting of a mixed breed that she and her husband discovered in Mississippi that became her very first. This dog, red in color, remained close to the couple.

Because her dog was jealous, she decided to pain him green. The painting of animals using nontraditional colors was also done by an artist before her. In 1984, a cajun artist made a portrait of a red eyed blue dog, inspired by her own dog who had died four years ago.

The blue dog is highlighted in her paintings. People see the blue dog paintings as a touch of humor on the part of the author, but the author actually sees it as something that bothers his inner being. The artist intended for each of the paintings to actually have a deep spiritual meaning even if the paintings looked funny. The dog gives us a stare and makes us think about how to answer the questions that we ourselves often ask.

The character of the animal has to be seen in her art. She picks colors that alive and uses not so ordinary patterns to capture their actions. All the animals she adopted were either from a shelter or were wandering in the streets. The latest addition to the family is a dog who was wandering from one house to another.

She began marketing herself a pet portrait painter by going to local vets and leaving fliers. She requests from her clients photos of the animal and also a description of the animal's personality. When she knows the animal already personally, then she'll know what colors to use. There is something that the customers find in the portraits, a store owner said.

Her energetic personality was captured with they yellow paint. People who know the subjects in portraits will appreciate them more, said the artist owner of a gallery in Memphis. To view a portrait is different from showing appreciation for a portrait.

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Another second and New Aberfoyle would be no more.
Suddenly Nell sprang from Harry's arms, and, with a bright look of inspiration, she ran to the very brink of the waters of the lake. "Harfang! Harfang!" cried she in a clear voice; "here! come to me!"
The faithful bird, surprised, appeared to hesitate in its flight. Presently, recognizing Nell's voice, it dropped the burning match into the water, and, describing a wide circle, flew downwards, alighting at the maiden's feet.
Then a terrible cry echoed through the vaulted roofs. It was the last sound uttered by old Silfax.
Just as Jack Ryan laid his hand on the edge of the canoe, the old man, foiled in his purpose of revenge, cast himself headlong into the waters of the lake.
"Save him! oh, save him!" shrieked Nell in a voice of agony. Immediately Harry plunged into the water, and, swimming towards Jack Ryan, he dived repeatedly.
But his efforts were useless. The waters of Loch Malcolm yielded not their prey: they closed forever over Silfax.
Chapter 19 The Legend Of Old Silfax
Six months after these events, the marriage, so strangely interrupted, was finally celebrated in St. Giles's chapel, and the young couple, who still wore mourning garments, returned to the cottage. James Starr and Simon Ford, henceforth free from the anxieties which had so long distressed them, joyously presided over the entertainment which followed the ceremony, and prolonged it to the following day.
On this memorable occasion, Jack Ryan, in his favorite character of piper, and in all the glory of full dress, blew up his chanter, and astonished the company by the unheard of achievement of playing, singing, and dancing all at once.
It is needless to say that Harry and Nell were happy. These loving hearts, after the trials they had gone through found in their union the happiness they deserved.
As to Simon Ford, the ex-overman of New Aberfoyle, he began to talk of celebrating his golden wedding, after fifty years of marriage with good old Madge, who liked the idea immensely herself.
"And after that, why not golden wedding number two?"
"You would like a couple of fifties, would you, Mr. Simon?" said Jack Ryan.
"All right, my boy," replied the overman quietly, "I see nothing against it in this fine climate of ours, and living far from the luxury and intemperance of the outer world."
Will the dwellers in Coal Town ever be called to witness this second ceremony? Time will show. Certainly the strange bird of old Silfax seemed destined to attain a wonderful longevity. The Harfang continued to haunt the gloomy recesses of the cave. After the old man's death, Nell had attempted to keep the owl, but in a very few days he flew away. He evidently disliked human society as much as his master had done, and, besides that, he appeared to have a particular spite against Harry. The jealous bird seemed to remember and hate him for having carried off Nell from the deep abyss, notwithstanding all he could do to prevent him. Still, at long intervals, Nell would see the creature hovering above Loch Malcolm.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Meanwhile my first article had appeared in the “Century,” illustrated by a number of photographs, and by one of Maxfield Parrish’s brilliant idealisations of the Italian scene. Thanks to the latter, the article attracted much attention, but a note of warning soon came to me in the form of a distracted letter from the editor of the “Century,” Richard Watson Gilder, an old friend and a country neighbour in the Berkshires. It appeared that in the editorial offices of the “Century” Mr. Parrish’s fairy-tale pictures were justly admired, but it was agreed that the accompanying text was too dry and technical. Would I not, Mr. Gilder pleaded, introduce into the next number a few anecdotes, and a touch of human interest?
I am afraid my answer was curt. I had prepared for my task conscientiously; I knew that, at least in English, there was no serious work on Italian villa and garden architecture, and I meant, as far as I was able, to fill the want. I wrote back that if the “Century” wanted a series of sentimental and anecdotic commentaries on Mr. Parrish’s illustrations, I was surprised that one of the authors of “The Decoration of Houses” should have been commissioned to write them. But I added that if, on reflection, my articles were thought unsuitable to the illustrations (as they certainly were!) I was quite willing to annul my contract. This was not accepted, and the articles continued to appear, my only punishment being that the Century Company refused (when the volume came out) to publish the plans of certain little-known but important gardens, such as those of the Villas Muti at Frascati and Gori at Siena, which I had taken great pains to procure, because, according to the publishers, the public “did not care for plans.” I mention this because, when “Italian Villas” became, as it soon did, a working manual for architectural students and landscape gardeners, I was often reproached for not having provided the book with plans. In a sense, of course, the editors of the “Century” were right. My articles were quite out of keeping with the Parrish pictures, which should have been used to illustrate some fanciful tale of Lamotte-Fouque, Or Andersen’s “Improvisatore”; but I knew that, even had I had an architectural draughtsman as illustrator, the editorial scruples would not have been allayed, for what really roused them was not the lack of harmony between text and pictures but the fear their readers would be bored by the serious technical treatment of a subject associated with moonlight and nightingales. Therefore, having been given the opportunity to do a book that needed doing, I resolutely took it; and I hope the success of “Italian Villas,” which still has a steady sale, has made the publishers forgive me.
Again and again in my literary life I have encountered the same kind of editorial timidity. I think it was Edwin Godkin, then the masterly editor of the New York “Evening Post,” who said that the choice of articles published in American magazines was entirely determined by the fear of scandalizing a non-existent clergyman in the Mississippi Valley; and I made up my mind from the first that I would never sacrifice my literary conscience to this ghostly censor. Not being obliged to live solely by my pen I thought I owed it to less lucky colleagues to fight for the independence they might not always be in a position to assert. A higher standard of taste in letters can be achieved only if authors will refuse to write down to the particular Mississippi Valley level of the day (for there is always a censorship of the same sort, though it is now at the other end of the moral register), and the greatest service a writer can render to letters is to follow his conscience.

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For this last night of carnival the big house had decorated all its balconies with rows of coloured paper lanterns right up to the roof. I led the way to the grand salon, for as to private rooms they had been all retained days before. There was a great crowd of people in costume, but by a piece of good luck we managed to secure a little table in a corner. The revellers, intent on their pleasure, paid no attention to us. Senor Ortega trod on my heels and after sitting down opposite me threw an ill-natured glance at the festive scene. It might have been about half-past ten, then.
Two glasses of wine he drank one after another did not improve his temper. He only ceased to shiver. After he had eaten something it must have occurred to him that he had no reason to bear me a grudge and he tried to assume a civil and even friendly manner. His mouth, however, betrayed an abiding bitterness. I mean when he smiled. In repose it was a very expressionless mouth, only it was too red to be altogether ordinary. The whole of him was like that: the whiskers too black, the hair too shiny, the forehead too white, the eyes too mobile; and he lent you his attention with an air of eagerness which made you uncomfortable. He seemed to expect you to give yourself away by some unconsidered word that he would snap up with delight. It was that peculiarity that somehow put me on my guard. I had no idea who I was facing across the table and as a matter of fact I did not care. All my impressions were blurred; and even the promptings of my instinct were the haziest thing imaginable. Now and then I had acute hallucinations of a woman with an arrow of gold in her hair. This caused alternate moments of exaltation and depression from which I tried to take refuge in conversation; but Senor Ortega was not stimulating. He was preoccupied with personal matters. When suddenly he asked me whether I knew why he had been called away from his work (he had been buying supplies from peasants somewhere in Central France), I answered that I didn’t know what the reason was originally, but I had an idea that the present intention was to make of him a courier, bearing certain messages from Baron H. to the Quartel Real in Tolosa.
He glared at me like a basilisk. “And why have I been met like this?” he enquired with an air of being prepared to hear a lie.
I explained that it was the Baron’s wish, as a matter of prudence and to avoid any possible trouble which might arise from enquiries by the police.
He took it badly. “What nonsense.” He was — he said — an employe (for several years) of Hernandez Brothers in Paris, an importing firm, and he was travelling on their business — as he could prove. He dived into his side pocket and produced a handful of folded papers of all sorts which he plunged back again instantly.
And even then I didn’t know whom I had there, opposite me, busy now devouring a slice of pate de foie gras. Not in the least. It never entered my head. How could it? The Rita that haunted me had no history; she was but the principle of life charged with fatality. Her form was only a mirage of desire decoying one step by step into despair.

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Feng shui colors knowledge can allow you to choose the most benefecial colors to produce harmony in any living or working space as well as it can be used with anything that needs selecting colors. And according to feng shui, one factor that makes lots of influence in your daily behavior is the color around you.

According to feng shui colors specifications, colors should not be used randomly but according to what they represent. Essentially, feng shui colors are based on the five elements, water, fire, wood, earth and metal.

It affects your mood, your energy and your desires throughout the day. Notice that if you paint an entire room, changing it from a boring plain white to a beautiful shade of green. The room itself gives off a switched feeling or ambience. You抣l possibly begin to feeling more stimulating and energizing. This is called a Feng Shui colors enhancement.

The use of colors as described by Feng Shui is a simple and useful way to adjust the feeling of your living space. You actually don抰 need to go as far as painting an entire room to feel the transformation in your life. You can paint only one wall with a new color to start feeling the difference. Pieces and accessories are also special ways to incorporate a color into your house.Understanding the correct use of feng shui colors, you will be capable to select the greatest colors to create harmony in any room or living space, this knowledge also can be used with anything that involves colors.

The feng shui colors specifications dictates that colors should not be used randomly, but according to what they attracts and associates to. The proper application of feng shui colors to both feng shui and interior design is an essential knowledge if you intend to benefit from it in your home and also in your life.

Feng shui may be considered a complex method, something that you do not learn overnight. But definitely you do not have to be an expert to start playing with the basics of this art in your home. Just learn the basic principles and follow your instincts and feelings, having a good aesthetic eye helps too. Just look at a color or design piece and judge it based on the mood that it impresses on you. Even simple color modifications can make your life much better.

Yellow - Yang

Cheerfulness; if you use this color too much you may feel anxious or tired. Joy and warmth are the feelings that this color produces. It's proven scientifically that this color produces the liberation of sertonin, the feel good hormone. Applying a soft shade in the kitchen helps to start the day with cheerfulness, bringing mental energy an clarity. Yellow is very effective to stimulate conversation in a family/living room.

Red - Yang

This color attracts attention and invites action; when used in excess can make you agitate or anger. It抯 an efficient color for getting inspiration. Use it to spark romance, adding touches to a master bedroom. But not overuse it, since the bedroom is a place for rest and rejuvenation.The use of subdued shades such as pink, rose, peach or taupe effectively bring in softer, yet romantic energies.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Why I Choose Snowboarding

Many people ask me from time to time why I choose snowboarding as the sport that I wanted to do. Why I choose to work so hard at it, and why I managed to achieve a degree of success in doing so. The answer is simple, and it is the reason why many people do well at different sports. The answer is desire and love for the sport and that is what I had in abundance for snowboarding, before my accident.

When it came to choosing a sport, I thought long and hard when I came to a cross-road in my life. What should I do? Should I do snowboarding or skateboarding? This was really hard for me as I loved both sports, but I was having to train for both of them, and therefore wasn抰 dedicating enough time to either. That is why when it came down to it, I decided that skateboarding was only going to be a hobby and that snowboarding was what I wanted to do with my life. The reasons that I preferred snowboarding were not clear cut, and to say I had anything less than love for skateboarding is also not true. But I think I loved the way that snowboarding was a whole different world. Do you know what I mean? When you choose to go skateboarding you can just jump out of bed, and skateboard down to the shop, Ollie over a step and grind down a pole. Is that fun? Yes, of course it is. But when it comes to snowboarding you are entering a completely alien environment. Let me explain. When you live in Atlanta you hardly get snow every day of the week, nor do you get hills and slaloms caked in it! That is why, whether I am boarding on snow or synthetic snow the feeling is the same. It is like, boy I am on snow!

When I choose snowboarding there was also another reason that really helped to make my mind up for me, and that was my friends! My friends who done skateboarding were not as close friends as my friends that done snowboarding and as you can imagine this had an impact. The thought of getting to spend more time with Collin, Justin and the lads was just to much to miss out on! We had such a good laugh, and had so much in common. We would always feel the same about snowboarding, and we were able to really help each other out on issues. When we noticed a flaw in each others technique we would always point it out to each other so that we could all improve together. This worked great, and was one of the reasons that I chose snowboarding over skateboarding when it came down to it!

Now I suppose I should tell you the sad part - the reason why I am no longer able to pursue a career in either, snowboarding or skateboarding. The reason for this is a terrible accident that ruptured my leg muscle, and has resulted in a six month time-out at such a crucial time. You see others will improve in fitness whilst I deteriorate and that is why my sponsor has now dropped me as well. What I am hoping to do is try my best to get back into the sport, because my love for it and my ability at it should be enough to make me come through. Collin and Justin are doing really well, but it is hard for me to spend as much time with them when they are always down the slope or working out. One of my friends called Blair, has also recently won the Junior USA championship, and although I am happy for him it makes me sad to think that I could have been their competing for that trophy. All I can do is try my best, and hopefully luck will fall on my side.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Small wonder then that the Indomitable’s Captain, though in general a man of rapid decision, felt that circumspectness not less than promptitude was necessary. Until he could decide upon his course, and in each detail; and not only so, but until the concluding measure was upon the point of being enacted, he deemed it advisable, in view of all the circumstances, to guard as much as possible against publicity. Here he may or may not have erred. Certain it is, however, that subsequently in the confidential talk of more than one or two gun-rooms and cabins he was not a little criticized by some officers, a fact imputed by his friends and vehemently by his cousin, Jack Denton, to professional jealousy of Starry Vere. Some imaginative ground for invidious comment there was. The maintenance of secrecy in the matter, the confining all knowledge of it for a time to the place where the homicide occurred, the quarter — deck cabin; in these particulars lurked some resemblance to the policy adopted in those tragedies of the palace which have occurred more than once in the capital founded by Peter the Barbarian.
The case indeed was such that fain would the Indomitable’s Captain have deferred taking any action whatever respecting it further than to keep the Foretopman a close prisoner till the ship rejoined the squadron, and then submitting the matter to the judgement of his Admiral.
But a true military officer is in one particular like a true monk. Not with more of self-abnegation will the latter keep his vows of monastic obedience than the former his vows of allegiance to martial duty.
Feeling that unless quick action was taken on it, the deed of the Foretopman, so soon as it should be known on the gun decks, would tend to awaken any slumbering embers of the Nore among the crew, a sense of the urgency of the case overruled in Captain Vere every other consideration. But tho’ a conscientious disciplinarian, he was no lover of authority for mere authority’s sake. Very far was he from embracing opportunities for monopolizing to himself the perils of moral responsibility, none at least that could properly be referred to an official superior, or shared with him by his official equals or even subordinates. So thinking, he was glad it would not be at variance with usage to turn the matter over to a summary court of his own officers, reserving to himself as the one on whom the ultimate accountability would rest, the right of maintaining a supervision of it, or formally or informally interposing at need. Accordingly a drum — head court was summarily convened, he electing the individuals composing it, the First Lieutenant, the Captain of Marines, and the Sailing Master.
In associating an officer of marines with the sea-lieutenants in a case having to do with a sailor, the Commander perhaps deviated from general custom. He was prompted thereto by the circumstance that he took that soldier to be a judicious person, thoughtful, and not altogether incapable of grappling with a difficult case unprecedented in his prior experience. Yet even as to him he was not without some latent misgiving, for withal he was an extremely goodnatured man, an enjoyer of his dinner, a sound sleeper, and inclined to obesity, a man who tho’ he would always maintain his manhood in battle might not prove altogether reliable in a moral dilemma involving aught of the tragic. As to the First Lieutenant and the Sailing Master, Captain Vere could not but be aware that though honest natures, of approved gallantry upon occasion, their intelligence was mostly confined to the matter of active seamanship and the fighting demands of their profession.

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The role of Dental Assistant involves wearing many hats. For those in the profession, they often enjoy having a variation in their daily routine. They love working with people as well as working in the dental profession. Being an effective Dental Assistant involves willingness to continuing learning. It requires a positive attitude and attention to details. The best Dental Assistants are those who know how to effectively communicate with the patients and the staff they work with. This is a great career for those who feel they can handle the ongoing needs that are placed in their hands.


Word Count 660

Friday, October 19, 2012

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Keep in mind that in general the sitemap taxonomy should be extensive not profound. Putting together profound sitemap taxonomy may only make matters worse as the user will have a difficult time finding the subject matter they need. It is also best to use basic terms instead of advertising jargon that can be easily understood by all.

When structuring the sitemap taxonomy, it is important to maintain some exactness at the highest levels. This helps make it easier for users to navigate the site and find the information they need. It is also a good idea to limit the number of items under each level from two to seven subject matters. If not then it is best to combine subject matters for a more efficient sitemap taxonomy.

Take into account that sitemap taxonomy is not an exact science. It requires constant fine-tuning in order to produce an effective sitemap taxonomy. However the entire process will pay off big in the long run as users who are more likely to find what they need are those more likely to spend money.

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These are some of the benefits that you can get with plug-in hybrid cars. So, if you think that you are spending too much on gasoline for your gas-guzzling conventional vehicle, you can start saving money by getting a plug-in hybrid car.

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You cannot find the confidence to decide when you know so little about what you are faced with. Just like any news reporter, ask the 5 W�s: what, who, when, where, and why. What is the situation? Who are the people involved? When did this happen? Where is this leading? Why are you in this situation? These are just some of the possible questions to ask to know more about your situation. This is important. Oftentimes, the reason for indecision is the lack of information about a situation.

� Identify and create options.

What options do the situation give you? Sometimes the options are few, but sometimes they are numerous. But what do you do when you think that the situation offers no options? This is the time that you create your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most simplistic to the most complicated, entertain all ideas. Do not shoot anything down when an idea comes to your head. Sometimes the most outrageous idea could prove to be the right one in the end. You can ask a friend to help you identify options and even make more options if you encounter some difficulty, but make sure that you make the decision yourself in the end.

� Weigh the pros and cons of every option.

Assess each option by looking at the advantages and disadvantages it offers you. In this way, you get more insights about the consequences of such an option.

� Trust yourself and make that decision.

Now that you have assessed your options, it is now time to trust yourself. Remember that there are no guarantees and wrong decisions are always at hindsight. So choose� decide� believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time.

Now that you have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. But the important thing is that you have chosen to live your life instead of remaining a bystander or a passive audience to your own life. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.

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San Francisco 49er tickets spell number one football in more ways than one. Not only do the 49ers deliver top class playing on the field, they are also the very first professional major league team to come out of San Francisco. The 49ers are also the first team to ever win five Super Bowls and they certainly have a few more firsts in store.

The San Francisco 49er is part of the National Football League and is also affiliated to the NFC West and the National Football Conference. Their home games are played at Monster Park and they have an impressive number of championship wins to their name. The 49ers so far have five Super Bowl wins, five Conference titles and seventeen Division championship titles.

Strong But Second Best

The San Francisco 49ers joined the arena of professional football in 1946, the first ever-professional sports major league team to come out of that area. Though the team played strong and consistent football, it would be a while before they were able to establish themselves as a team worth taking seriously. It wouldn't be until 1957 that the team would enjoy sustained success.

By now, San Francisco 49er tickets were selling quickly and many fans came out to see a new tactic the team began to use in 1960. It was the shotgun formation and helped the team beat the Colts who had never encountered that formation before. By the seventies, the team was making waves all throughout the NFL.

The Team Of The Eighties

A good portion of the late seventies was marred by inconsistent plays, bad management decisions, injuries and in some cases, just plain bad luck. Though fans still showed their support by buying San Francisco 49er tickets, it seemed the team had hit a rut of some sort. However, this proved to be only the precursor of one of the greatest runs of the 49ers.

The 49ers started the eighties in a big way and the decade would be marked by big wins and memorable plays. In 1982, the 49ers brought about what many have termed the most memorable moment in the history of the NFL. During a game against the Dallas Cowboys, Dwight Clark caught an impossibly high pass with the tips of his fingers. The play was called The Catch and was not only immortalized on the cover of Sports Illustrated, it also featured in an ad for Gatorade.

By 1984, San Francisco 49er ticket sales, fan appreciation and 49er performance were at its heights. The team had one of the greatest seasons in franchise history with a record of 15-1. In 1986, the team released a pop single called 'We're the 49ers", which the Chicago Bears would follow with the Super Bowl Shuffle. Unfortunately, the song was not very popular and only received limited radio play. Regarding their performance on the field, the team did experience a dip during 1999, which they answered with one of the greatest come back plays in NFL history in 2002. If you're ready to see football played 49er style, then get to an online authorized ticket vendor to buy your San Francisco 49er tickets.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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Are you looking to send cheap flowers to your beloved ones at low price? It is a good idea to buy cheap flowers. Flowers can fill the whole atmosphere with joy, happiness and freshness. Be it birthday, anniversary, wedding ceremony, promotion party, etc. flowers are measured as the perfect gift that can be gifted without any hesitation. Flowers cannot be compared with anything as the flowers cherish the whole atmosphere.

If you would like to send cheap flowers to Delhi, then you must look for various online florists that offer exciting offers on making online purchase. It will help you save lot of money. Cheap flowers don抰 mean dull and shriveled flowers. Florists provide fresh and beautiful flowers at reasonable price. The primary objective of sending flowers is to let the recipient know how much you care for. Flowers depict an elegant way to express love and warmth in a relationship.

There are various options available to you while buying flowers like you can visit any local florist抯 shop and prepare a bouquet of your selected flowers or pre-designed flowers. The only issue is that you have a specific range of flowers and flowers may be dull because of inappropriate maintenance. Online florists allow you to customize your flowers bouquet as you wish. These flowers are available at a fraction of cost of your total expenditure incurred in buying flowers from a local shop.

Sending cheap flowers to Delhi or any other place within the country is possible now with advanced technology. All these services are available at the comfort of your home. You can view the full gallery of the selected florist and select the flowers as per your wish. It also allows you to change the appearance and other additional decorations like frills and packaging paper used. You can easily customize your bouquet as per your budget and choice.

Now these online florists are not affiliated to a particular city. You can send flowers locally as well globally. Now there is no need to spend huge amount of money and face much difficulty involved in sending flowers to your loved ones. Just browse any of available online florists and make your choice instantly.


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The eBay Trading Assistants Program

If you excel at eBay auctions, you might want to
consider an additional source of revenue as well. The
eBay Trading Assistant Program will allow you to
sell items for other eBay members on consignment.
Being successful at your own auctions is the key
to becoming a successful trading assistant for other

Often, newcomers simply don抰 know how to make
their items sell. Many people who are auctioning off
a one time big ticket item, such as cars or real
estate, will often employ the services of an eBay
Trading Assistant. Items such as these can add
up to very big commissions for serious trading
assistants! Usually, trading assistants are
responsible for every aspect of the auction,
including shipping the product to the customer and
collecting payment. For high ticket items, the person
who hires

Trading Assistants get access to trading assistant
marketing materials which are quite helpful. In order
to become an approved trading assistant, you must
have sold at least ten items in the last ninety days,
have a feedback score of at least 100 with 97%
positive feedback or higher, and your eBay account
must be in good standing.

(word count 193)


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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What Remodeling Your Kitchen Can Do For Your Home

Are you a homeowner? If so, there is a good chance that you take great pride in your home. Despite taking great pride in your home, there may come a time when you may want to spice it up a little bit. When that is the case, a fairly large number of homeowners make the decision to remodel their homes. When it comes to home remodeling, one of the most common rooms remodeled is that of the kitchen. Of course, remodeling your kitchen may make you happy, but did you also know that it can do things for your home? The truth is that you are not the only one who can benefit from a little bit of kitchen remodeling, your home can also benefit.

Perhaps, the greatest way that your home can benefit from a kitchen remodeling project is with its value. If you make the decision to have your home remodeled, you will likely find that the overall value of your home will increase. Sometimes, the increase may be hard to notice, but it can also be quite noticeable. Honestly, the increase in value will all depend on what type of remodeling was done and how it turned out. Professional kitchen remodeling jobs are the ones that tend to increase a home�s value the most. Also, the more of your kitchen you remodel, the more the value of your home is likely to increase. An increased home value can turn into a profit for you, if and when you decide to sell your home.

In addition to an increase in value, you will also find that by remodeling your kitchen, the overall appearance of your home will better. That will not only have an impact on your home, but you as well. It is a known fact that when homeowners have a decent looking home, they not only feel more comfortable in it, but they also feel more comfortable inviting guests over. By remodeling your kitchen, your home may seem more welcoming and inviting. Whether you just want to have your friends over for coffee or you want to host a large party, a kitchen remodeling project may be just what you need to get the ball rolling.

The appearance of your home, particularly your kitchen, and the increase in your home�s value are two of the greatest ways that your home can benefit from a kitchen remodeling project. Although your home can benefit from a kitchen remodeling project, it is important to note that the results are not all the same. As previously mentioned, the end result, of a kitchen remodeling project, makes all of the difference in the world. Although you may have better results using a professional contractor, you may not want to. If you want to perform your own kitchen remodeling, you can, but it is best that you first know exactly what you are doing.

If you do not have experience with home improvement projects, it may be a good idea to take a kitchen remodeling course, class, or seminar. Depending on where you live, you should have access to a number of these courses. In fact, you may find that one of your home improvement stores offers these classes for free or for a reasonable fee. If you are unable to attend a kitchen remodeling class, course, or seminar, you should at least obtain a copy of a kitchen remodeling guide or how-to book. Many of these books are available for sale online or in book stores. Depending on the size of your library, you may also be able to find a few remodeling books there.

Although it is not required that you use a guide or attend a remodeling seminar, you may want to. Since the overall value of your home, as well as its appearance depends on the outcome of your kitchen remodeling projects, you may want to make sure that your remodeling is done right.


Word Count 656

coach Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss One popular weight loss supplements available in th

Dangers of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss

One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter's tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.

One of the effects of drinking dieter's tea is frequent bowel movement. This gives people the feeling of body cleansing. These people may get toxins out of their body but it isn't exactly the only thing that slimming tea actually does to the body. Slimming tea contains herbs which are natural laxatives. These include aloe, senna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. These are products which are derived from plants and are used since the ancient times because of their potency in treating constipation and to inducing bowel movement.

Cascara, castor oil and senna are substances which are recognized as laxatives available over the counter and are also regulated as drugs. Scientific studies show that diarrhea induced by laxatives does not absorb significant amounts of calories taken in the body.

The reason for this is that laxatives do not act on the small intesines where most of the calories are absorbed. Instead, they work on the large intestines. If taken in large amounts for prolonged periods, it can affect fat absorption of the body. This may lead to greasy diarrhea and loss of weight. Abuse of laxatives is common practice among people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa.

While weight loss can be guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, it may also cause permanent damage to the gastrointesitinal tract and the weakening and softening of the bones, a condition known as osteomalacia. Drinkers of slimming teas may actually patronize the product because they are less axpensive and taste better than other laxatives sold in the market. Other people, such as those with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa drink dieter's tea because they work fast and produce watery stool and having loose consistency.

Women may even be more susceptible to the effects of slimming teas. Although they may are not known to interfer directly with the woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, they should watch out if drinking them causes them to rapidly shed off weight. It is also not safe for pregnant women to be taking in laxatives of any kind. Wise and reponsible herbalists also discourage the use of senna and other herbal products with laxative properties for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive.

One should be wary about these findings because the labeling of slimming teas in the market today can be absolutely misleading. For instance, they commonly refer to the laxative qualities as "natural bowel cleansing properties" and not specifically use the word "laxative".Some even use the term "low-calorie" on their labelling. These products in fact, contain essentially no calories nor nutrients whatsoever; unless of course, if they are sweetened.

Adverse effects of misusing laxatives in the form of slimming tea generally occur when taken in more than or longer than recommended. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding,electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well as injury and worse, death. It was also reported that excess use of stimulant laxatives cause severe constipation and pain for long periods (as much as for decades) due to the colon losing its function. It eventually led to surgery removing the colon altogether.

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your kitchen table. NO! It doesn't work that way.

If you will follow instructions, be happy with from $100 to $400
a week, spending a few hours every night, five nights a week,
then you too can make money in mailing the various offers
available to you.

The nine steps listed above give you everything you need to get
started. It is now up to you. You invest only what you wish,
you grow as big as you want. Just one note of advice... When
you send your commission circulars, send more than one of a
kind... You will pay the same postage to mail one as you will to
mail several. The more you mail at one time, the better the
odds of receiving orders. It's also a good policy to never get
your circulars and your name lists to mail to from the same

Yes! Using these nine steps can put you in the commission
mailing business!

Making Money With Your Own Adsheet!

When you are in a position to publish your own adsheet you will
be able to expand your basic commission mailing business for
additional profits.

Adsheets are usually started by the publisher cutting ads from
other magazines and making paste-ups with these "Freebies". The
publisher then mails his adsheets to these various dealers and
asks them to re-run their ads with him at $$ per column inch.
This is a risky beginning because many dealers are not in a
position to buy, or do not want to purchase additional ad space
for one reason or another.

There are a number of publishers who have a method for starting
adsheets that is almost 100% risk free. They send you partial
page, or full page ads, that pay from 50% to 100% commission and
you may run these ads over our name in your first edition of
your adsheet. As paid ads come in, you simply replace these
free ads with the paid ads.

Until you get paid ads for your publication, you have a chance
to make money whether you have paid advertisers or not.
Moreover some companies will give you substantial discounts on
their various mailorder programs if you run their 3x6 ad in the
first edition. Thus you can make money off of their ads and you
get professionally designed mailorder programs at very little

Also, there are a number of mailorder companies that have full
line printing plants and they will print your adsheet for you at
very competitive prices, in the event you don't have your own

As you dig deeper and deeper into the world of mailorder, you
will be able to locate and contact many firms and individuals
who will offer many and varied programs and services.

How to Get Your Circulars Mailed Free!

There is another way to get your circulars mailed free. As soon
as you can afford it, become a supplier of commission circulars.
The easiest way to do this is to take "all-profit" offers and
have circulars printed on two sides. On one side have your own
name and address printed. On the other side leave space for a
rubber stamp imprint.

Offer these circulars to circular mailers on a commission basis.
They keep a commission from 50% to 100% on the one side, and

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\par }{\f28
\par {\*\bkmkstart BM001489}{\*\bkmkstart BM001028}{\*\bkmkend BM001489}{\*\bkmkend BM001028}\'93Are there still original ideas in the world?\'94
\par \'93They beat me to that bright idea; what else can I do?\'94
\par \'93I\rquote ve failed many times before that I can\rquote t think of anything else to solve this problem anymore.\'94
\par These statements reflect the thought of an individual who has given up on creativity. Sadly, a lot of people share this way of thinking. They never viewed creativity as a very useful tool to improve or improvise in life in all its diversity.
\par A situation that requires a solution can be approached in a variety of ways. There isn\rquote t a single way fix to a problem. Being creative opens new horizons
and can deliver many benefits. Creativity can sometimes be mistakenly interpreted as an obstinate attitude. Some people think that insisting on doing things in a different way is a sign of stubbornness.
\par }{\b\f28 Never hold back a good idea}{\f28 . Everyone is free to i
nterpret his own unique way. Any interpretation by itself is creativity at work. A person who enjoys creative thinking can easily come up with innovative solutions for situations that require a quick fix.
\par For instance, your car got stalled on a deserted highway due to a leaky rubber hose on the cooling system. Tough luck! Of all places, it had to happen in the remotest places.
\par If you have some chewing gum in your pocket, it just might be a handy fix. Start chewing the gum and patch it on the leak. To ke
ep the gum in place, tie it with a piece of rag. This quick fix might do the trick so you can drive several miles without an overheated engine, until you get to a service station to have the leaky hose replaced.
\par There used to be a television series entitled \'93MacGyver.\'94
The main character is an extremely creative and crafty guy. Whenever he finds himself in a tight fix, he tries to find a way out of it with his quick fixes utilizing available materials around him.
\par In a way, }{\b\f28 creativity is a never-ending learning process}{\f28 . From learning, you gain untold benefits, which you can use in real life situations.
\par Being creative might require you to }{\b\f28 think out-of-the-box}{\f28 , venturing your mind into the uncommon. You can never be sure of your ideas until you try them. As long as there is no perceived danger involved, it is always worth a try.
\par Inventions are products of creative minds. The field of science, in whatever branch you may touch on, is invention itself. Without creative minds, science would have been a forlorn field of knowledge.
\par It must be noted that most adaptations to improve or improvise are aimed at improving current conditions. Upon analyzing honest applications of creativity, the ultimate intention is to achieve good for all and the will to build lasting
peace. After all, this intention is what counts most.
\par }\pard\plain \s15\ql \li0\ri0\widctlpar\faauto\adjustright\rin0\lin0\itap0 \b\fs24\lang1033\langfe1033\cgrid\langnp1033\langfenp1033 {\f28

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Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February every year all over the world since centuries. When we think of this day, the first thing which comes to our mind is a bunch of red roses which is given to the beloved on this day as a token of eternal and undying love.

Valentine's Day is known as the day of love. It is most commonly celebrated by young couples to symbolize their feeling of love and passion for each other. But the celebration of Valentine抯 Day is not restricted to young couples alone. All over the world, this day is being enthusiastically celebrated by people of all ages.

On this day, people express their deep love for each other. Be it lovers, girlfriend & boyfriend, husband & wife, mother & child, siblings or just friends, every relationship deserves to be pampered with a lot of love and it finds eternal expression on valentine's day by gifting pure valentine gifts to the loved ones.

Red roses are symbolic of Valentine抯 Day and hence they are also known as 'valentine roses'. Florists and rose online delivery websites offer a huge number of red roses especially for this day. Red color indicates deep passion and love. Thus, red roses are given to someone as a pure valentine gift to suggest the feeling of deep passionate love.

Although it is a known fact that red roses are the most cherished and the commonest ones of all Valentine抯 Day gifts, it is equally true that roses of all colors can be gifted on this special day to indicate the purity of our love. Exotic roses with soothing fragrances are capable of giving out the message hidden deep in our heart. The sight of lovely rose flowers fills the heart with delight and the soothing fragrance of exotic roses has the power to seduce someone to fall in love with you instantly.

Roses come in colors like red, yellow, white, pink, purple, orange and coral. All these beautiful roses possess a sweet smell. Their fragrance can fill the air with romance and hence roses are a perfect gift on the occasion of Valentine抯 Day.

Red roses symbolize romantic love and are hence known as 'valentine roses'. Purple, Coral and Orange roses are the flowers which are most popular after red roses. On the occasion of Valentine抯 Day, if we give someone a purple rose, it indicates 'love at first sight'. Coral roses can be given to signal desire whereas; Orange roses as a valentine gift denote enthusiasm in love. Pink, White, Yellow and Peach colored roses can also be gifted on Valentine抯 Day to symbolize the feelings of appreciation, reverence, friendship and gratitude, respectively, to a loved one.

The sense of smell is thought to be the strongest and most sensitive of all senses. The feeling derived by smelling something can be experienced in the heart and it stays in the memory for a lifetime. When we give exotic roses as pure valentine gifts to someone special in our life, the effect of the smell of those roses lingers on for a lifetime. The beauty of roses is incomplete without the charm of its soothing fragrance. The lively fragrance of rose flowers enhances the feeling of love in the heart of the recipient.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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If you have been looking for a nutritional product that will help you gain muscle mass then consider creatine. Creatine supplements are time tested and has consistently outperformed other new age muscle builders like nitric oxide. Creatine naturally occurs in our body and helps promote ATP, the source of our energy. When you have more ATP in your muscles you are able to lift more, train harder and ultimately get the results you are looking for.

Creatine supplements are popular amongst men. Many professional body builders use it to add tone and definition. While this may not be for everyone, many amateur and professional athletes use creatine supplements to boost their energy levels and give them a competitive edge. It is also popular in the Army and Navy.

If you start a creatine loading phase and continue to work out several times per week, the average person will see considerable results during the cycling process. Sure, your genetic makeup plays a role in putting on muscle, but it can help hard gainers overcome that problem. Those who already train, typically see weight gain of five to ten pounds within the first few weeks of using creatine supplements. Most of the weight is due to the retention of fluids until more lean muscle develops over time.

With any nutritional supplement there can be side effects. Some of the most common creatine side effects are headache, cramps and nausea. This is because your body is adapting to the excess creatine in your body. Some people have also complained about the flavor of some products, so be sure to read a view before you buy. You should also drink plenty of water to keep from getting dehydrated. This is extremely important. You may want to consult your doctor before taking creatine supplements.

The best time to take creatine supplements is after an intense workout. This is because the creatine supplement will replenish the lost ATP in the muscles. It you take it before a workout it may cause dehydration and you won't be able to work out as long. People who take the product incorrectly often complain that it didn't give them the results they were looking for. Always follow the instruction of the product. It can be added to almost anything, but most people mix it with juice or a protein shake.

The cost of creatine supplements can be a turn off to some people, but those that do decide to use it should only purchase creatine with high quality ingredients. Don't skimp on cheap products because you will not be satisfied with the results. It is almost like you are throwing your money away. Take a look at the label and make sure it contains one hundred percent pure creatine. If you use creatine supplements with impurities, it won't work as effectively. The manufactures use different names to describe different products like monohydrate, ethyl ester, powder and serum. Essentially, they all do the exact same thing, but just come in different forms.

Another common question people have is about cycling creatine. Should you cycle creatine? The simple answer is yes. This is because most people peak and then their weight gains begin to taper off. The thought is that giving your body a break will allow it to come back stronger. In the first phase you begin loading creatine into your body. In the next phase, you will back off your intake in what is called a maintenance phase. Finally, you will completely stop taking creatine for a couple of weeks and then you will repeat the cycle over again. Cycling creatine supplements also helps to save money. Some people find that they are able cycle more efficiently on different creatine supplements. This really comes down to experience through a little bit of trial and error. When you find a product that gives you results, stick with it and maintain a consistent routine. This will ultimately give you the body and confidence you've always wanted.


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Online Dating Safety For Men

Almost everything you read about online dating safety is directed at women but men need to be concerned as well. Perverts, sexual predators and weirdoes come in both sexes, all sizes, and all ages…as do, liars and cheaters. So men need to stay on guard, too.

It is common knowledge not to readily give out personal information to strangers. The reason for not doing so is as large as the number of strangers who want that information. If you come across a person who is giving out personal information and asking others to do the same, don’t do it. You don’t know what they want to use it for….and you had better believe they want to use it for something. That “something” will not be for your benefit. Men, also, need to guard their real names, addresses, phone numbers, and place of employment. Do not give that information to anyone online until you are confident that they are who they say they are.

Men, be wary of women who seem too financially needy. If they ask for money, in any of a dozen ways women can ask for money, cut the relationship off immediately. They are not looking for love or even friendship….they are looking for financial help.

If a woman gives you a contact number but you cannot ever reach her at that number, beware. If you always have to page them or text them and have them call you back, this could be a sign that what they are telling you is not the complete truth.

A need to get married and insecurity are other signs men should be very wary of. If the woman is pushing too hard for a commitment you aren’t ready to make, it might be a good time to head for the nearest exit.

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louis vuitoon Wedding photography can be a very lucrative part time of full time option

Wedding photography can be a very lucrative part time of full time option. In the United State alone, wedding photography accounts for approx. $5 Billion per year. That's a sizable market. And with some know how and a decent digital camera, you can be a part of this industry. I have designed a course that includes everything you need, including business forms, technical discussions, sample ads and business forms and even tips on using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and Apple's Aperture.

One of the first questions I am asked when shooting with a digital camera (after the "which camera do you use, question), is, what format should I shoot? Tiff, High Res JPEG, RAW etc. And the answer is very simple. RAW! There is NO other option. And you need to make sure that you are using the highest resolution (megapixels) available on your camera.

When using your camera, either film or digital SLR (DSLR) camera, you need to make sure that you use the most powerful (expensive) flash available for your system. When you shoot a wedding, you will need to use flash for basically every shot you take. Indoors and out, even in bright sunlight. The flash will light dark subjects inside and when you are outside, it will fill in the shadows on your subject, and make the resulting photos look their best.

Perhaps the most important element in photographing a wedding, is to make sure that the brides face and skin, look their best. The groom comes in a far second place when it comes to ensuring that your exposures are spot on. The bride is always the most important person in the event, and if you make her happy, you will no doubt, get lots of referrals for other events through word of mouth. A digital camera cannot record as wide a gamut of color and light as film, so you need to pretty much nail the exposure with a digital camera, every time. It can be very difficult to get nice even light on the brides face, but you need to do your best with every shot you take. This is why flash is so important when shooting outdoors. You need a good powerful flash unit to provide enough light to even out the shadows that are cast by the sun, on faces and gowns. You also need this flash unit especially when shooting in shady areas. Under an overcast sky, or in a shady spot next to a building for instance, the color of the light in the shadow is very blue. So, you need to use flash to put white light back onto the subjects, so the color looks natural and even, without a blue color cast.

A very important point to remember when you photograph the bride, is to make sure that there is lots of detail in the brides dress. With digital cameras, the sensor cannot record as wide a range of light to dark as with film, and whites in particular, can be very challenging to record with detail. This is where you need to be able to balance the flash with the available light to get acceptable results. Otherwise, you may have some angry people calling you after the event. And you cannot arrange a do-over for a wedding, it is a one shot deal. So, make sure you do lots of practice before your first real, paying event. A good way to practice is to have you wife/girlfriend/kids dress up in white clothes and take lots of shots and note the settings you need to get detail in the dress, and good skin tones on the brides face.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton Christmas Greetings and Good Cheer Greetings at Christmas extend beyond a mer

21. Christmas Greetings and Good Cheer
Greetings at Christmas extend beyond a mere wish of 'Merry Christmas' or
'Happy Holidays.' Christmas greetings embody a wish that all will go well in
whatever preparations need to be made, and a genuine sentiment that much joy,
happiness and well being will be experienced by the individual and loved ones
during the season.
The season of good cheer and wishes also reflect the jolly ho, ho, ho
nature of Santa Claus. To the delight of children, it is very easy for them to
run into many jolly fellows dressed as Santa Claus during the Christmas season
who will quiz them about whether they have been good or naughty. Many times when
friends, relatives and loved ones call each other during the Christmas season,
they will speak to the children and wish them Merry Christmas, but not without a
warning that they had better be good or else there will be no presents from
Santa Claus.
For children therefore, a greeting of Merry Christmas has the purpose of
increasing their anticipation for the arrival of Christmas Eve and Santa's visit
to leave toys and Christmas presents under the tree.
Because children also take part in many traditions associated with Christmas,
holiday greetings for them is also a reminder of the fun they will have in doing
such activities as decorating the tree, helping to bake cookies and wrapping
presents. When children have these things to look forward to at Christmas, it
creates a lasting memory for them and helps to make their childhood one on which
they will later reflect on with much fondness.
The more prevalent greeting of 'Happy Holidays' that is used today reflects in
part the also prevalent nature to be politically correct in speech and
communication. The greeting of 'Happy Holidays' can be given to anyone whether
or not they celebrate Christmas. It avoids any offense being taken if someone is
wished Merry Christmas when it's a celebration in which they don't participate
or observe.
Happy Holidays is also used to extend a greeting of goodwill beyond Christmas to
the coming New Year holiday period. For procrastinators and the chronically late
greeting card senders, they can still drop a 'Happy Holiday' greeting card in
the mail to friends and loved ones close to Christmas Day or even after and it
will still be relevant.
Christmas greeting cards play a big role in communicating Christmas greetings
and good cheer for the holiday season. It's a tradition that started in Britain
in 1840 with the start of the first public postal deliveries. The production of
large numbers of Christmas greeting cards started about twenty years later in
1860 with the improvement of printing methods.
Today, Christmas greetings and greeting cards have further evolved with massive
changes and development in technology. The computer, which has become a
necessary electronic equipment in just about every home, is commonly used to
send Christmas greetings through emailing an online greeting or postcard. Online
greeting cards also have brought other changes such as being interactive or

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“Widow’d wife and wedded maid,
Betrothed, betrayer, and betray’d,
All is done that has been said;
Vanda’s wrong has been wroken —
Take her pardon by this token.”
She bent down, as if to kiss Eveline, who started at that instant, and then awoke. Her hand was indeed gently pressed, by one as pure and white as her own. The blue eyes and fair hair of a lovely female face, with half-veiled bosom and dishevelled locks, flitted through her vision, and indeed its lips approached to those of the lovely sleeper at the moment of her awakening; but it was Rose in whose arms her mistress found herself pressed, and who moistened her face with tears, as in a passion of affection she covered it with kisses.
“What means this, Rose?” said Eveline; “thank God, you are restored to me!— But what mean these bursts of weeping?”
“Let me weep — let me weep,” said Rose; “it is long since I have wept for joy, and long, I trust, it will be ere I again weep for sorrow. News are come on the spur from the Garde Doloureuse — Amelot has brought them — he is at liberty — so is his master, and in high favour with Henry. Hear yet more, but let me not tell it too hastily — You grow pale.”
“No, no,” said Eveline; “go on — go on — I think I understand you — I think I do.”
“The villain Randal de Lacy, the master-mover of all our sorrows, will plague you no more; he was slain by an honest Welshman, and grieved am I that they have hanged the poor man for his good service. Above all, the stout old Constable is himself returned from Palestine, as worthy, and somewhat wiser, than he was; for it is thought he will renounce his contract with your ladyship.”
“Silly girl,” said Eveline, crimsoning as high as she had been before pale, “jest not amidst such a tale.— But can this be reality?— Is Randal indeed slain?— and the Constable returned?”
These were hasty and hurried questions, answered as hastily and confusedly, and broken with ejaculations of surprise and thanks to Heaven, and to Our Lady, until the ecstasy of delight sobered down into a sort of tranquil wonder.
Meanwhile Damian Lacy also had his explanations to receive, and the mode in which they were conveyed had something remarkable. Damian had for some time been the inhabitant of what our age would have termed a dungeon, but which, in the ancient days, they called a prison. We are perhaps censurable in making the dwelling and the food of acknowledged and convicted guilt more comfortable and palatable than what the parties could have gained by any exertions when at large, and supporting themselves by honest labour; but this is a venial error compared to that of our ancestors, who, considering a charge and a conviction as synonymous, treated the accused before sentence in a manner which would have been of itself a severe punishment after he was found guilty. Damian, therefore, notwithstanding his high birth and distinguished rank, was confined after the manner of the most atrocious criminal, was heavily fettered, fed on the coarsest food, and experienced only this alleviation, that he was permitted to indulge his misery in a solitary and separate cell, the wretched furniture of which was a mean bedstead, and a broken table and chair. A coffin — and his own arms and initials were painted upon it — stood in one corner, to remind him of his approaching fate; and a crucifix was placed in another, to intimate to him that there was a world beyond that which must soon close upon him. No noise could penetrate into the iron silence of his prison — no rumour, either touching his own fate or that of his friends. Charged with being taken in open arms against the King, he was subject to military law, and to be put to death even without the formality of a hearing; and he foresaw no milder conclusion to his imprisonment.

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Play the Best Golf Game of your Life in Fota Island Golf Club

Playing the best golf game requires skills and practice. However, there is one thing that you should also consider in order to play a magnificent golf game. This is to play in a very relaxing environment where you can concentrate on your golf swing with professional-like skills and accuracy.

Besides, if you play in a golf course beside a busy freeway with noisy vehicles passing by, you will lose concentration and will result in ruining your golf swing. It is true that there are golf clubs located all over the world. However, few of these golf clubs have high quality standards to bring the best out in your game.

One such place that you can definitely concentrate on playing golf and at the same time relax is the Fota Island Golf Club. Located in Cork Harbour, which is only a few minutes drive from Cork City, Fota Island is a world renowned golf club that offers the one of the best golf courses in Europe. A golf vacation here would truly be worthwhile.

Firstly, Fota Island Golf Club is a very traditional golf course. It is a sister property of Mount Juliet and both is known to maintain the highest standards in golfing to ensure golfing enjoyment the whole year.

Fota Island Golf Club lies in the heart of a 780 acre estate integrated with good quality woodlands and landscape that will surely make every golfer want to play every single day. This golf course is comprised of a challenging par 71 championship course in the traditional mode. It has pot bunkers and undulating putting surfaces to meet the challenge of every golfer around the world.

Golf was first played in Fota Island in 1886. And, during those times, it was continually developed and became one of the premier locations in golfing. In 1993, Fota Island Golf Club was further developed by Christy O�Connor Jr. (Irish Ryder Cup), and Peter McEvoy (two-time English Amateur Champion).

Fota Island is considered as essentially a resort course and hosts a number of tournaments which includes the Irish Club Professional Championship. Fota Island was then purchased by the Killeen Group (owners of Mt. Juliet Resort in Kilkenny). Since then, developments have started to take place and the course has been upgraded to European Tour standards.

In November 2004, Fota Island Golf Club was purchased by the Fleming Group. The Fleming Group also improved the course by renovating some of the holes and also maintained the greens and reseeded the trees surrounding the golf course. Today, the Fleming Group has already invested in the construction of hotel and residential developments in Fota Island to complement the golf course.

With a magnificent course plan, Fota Island Golf Club definitely lives up to its name as one of the best golf destinations in the world.

The Fota Island Clubhouse has all the amenities that you can ever ask for. Inside, you will find that the clubhouse is more like a first-class hotel instead of a conventional golf clubhouse. On the first floor, you will see an informal bar and the reception area. Upstairs you will see a fully seated restaurant that serves only the highest quality meals with the highest and freshest quality Irish produce.

Other amenities you will find in Fota Island Golf Club will include locker rooms, and a fully stocked pro shop with products in the highest professional standards.

Fota Island Golf Club is definitely the place to be if you are looking for the best quality golfing experience. So, if you plan on going on a golfing vacation, you should consider going to Fota Island Golf Club.

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Anyway, first and foremost - - you absolutely CANNOT ask people to pay for your birthday party -- frankly, you cannot ask or expect them to bring presents either. The simple fact that they may be willing to take time out of their incredibly busy lives to come to a party for one or several hours -- should be gift enough for you.

First, decide on your budget. Be realistic...don't plan on renting a room at the Ritz if you can only afford a suite at the Comfort Inn. The budget depends on you.

Your budget should include (at least):
Site rental
Food cost
Beverage cost
parking/valet costs (you can certainly expect your guests to pay their own fees here -- but you'll want to include the rate information in your invitation packet so they are not suprised)
Gratuities and taxes
Favors (what goodies will your guests take home to remember this special event)
Cake or specialty food costs
Cake cutting fee (some caterers charge this, some don't)
Service costs
Rental fees (some caterers will charge for chairs, tables, table cloths/napkins, silverware, glasses and dishes)
Security fees (some places will charge you a security deposit that is returned as long as you leave the venue in the same condition you found it)

You ought to count on the cost of your outfit from your hair to your nails to your shoes.

Now, let's think about a THEME that works for you. What's your goal -- fancy or laid back bar-BBQ? Do you have flexibility on the day of the week and the time? A brunch or luncheon on a Sunday will be less expensive than a Friday night or Saturday dinner. Your theme can be anything from a Favorite TV show to a color. But just pick one and use it from the invites to the favors to the centerpieces.

After the theme, think about places that 'work' then start calling them. Speak to their sales or catering director and let them know your plans. They will likely have lots of good ideas to help you build on your theme.

Make sure your catering manager is aware of your budget before you get started so they can work with you to get the most 'bang for your buck.' Also, if your budget is lower than what they can work with -- a reputable caterer will let you know up front and will recommend some other venues that would be more in your range.

Don't feel bad if your budget is a little tight -- you're life is just beginning and you're not expected to have elaborate things just yet. You can still have a magnificent and fun party without going over budget...just PLEASE do not ask anyone to subsidize your party.

If you want you can always have a smaller gathering where you take your most favorite people to a fancy restaurant for dinner and drinks. and then have a larger party in a more laid back atmosphere.
