Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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your kitchen table. NO! It doesn't work that way.

If you will follow instructions, be happy with from $100 to $400
a week, spending a few hours every night, five nights a week,
then you too can make money in mailing the various offers
available to you.

The nine steps listed above give you everything you need to get
started. It is now up to you. You invest only what you wish,
you grow as big as you want. Just one note of advice... When
you send your commission circulars, send more than one of a
kind... You will pay the same postage to mail one as you will to
mail several. The more you mail at one time, the better the
odds of receiving orders. It's also a good policy to never get
your circulars and your name lists to mail to from the same

Yes! Using these nine steps can put you in the commission
mailing business!

Making Money With Your Own Adsheet!

When you are in a position to publish your own adsheet you will
be able to expand your basic commission mailing business for
additional profits.

Adsheets are usually started by the publisher cutting ads from
other magazines and making paste-ups with these "Freebies". The
publisher then mails his adsheets to these various dealers and
asks them to re-run their ads with him at $$ per column inch.
This is a risky beginning because many dealers are not in a
position to buy, or do not want to purchase additional ad space
for one reason or another.

There are a number of publishers who have a method for starting
adsheets that is almost 100% risk free. They send you partial
page, or full page ads, that pay from 50% to 100% commission and
you may run these ads over our name in your first edition of
your adsheet. As paid ads come in, you simply replace these
free ads with the paid ads.

Until you get paid ads for your publication, you have a chance
to make money whether you have paid advertisers or not.
Moreover some companies will give you substantial discounts on
their various mailorder programs if you run their 3x6 ad in the
first edition. Thus you can make money off of their ads and you
get professionally designed mailorder programs at very little

Also, there are a number of mailorder companies that have full
line printing plants and they will print your adsheet for you at
very competitive prices, in the event you don't have your own

As you dig deeper and deeper into the world of mailorder, you
will be able to locate and contact many firms and individuals
who will offer many and varied programs and services.

How to Get Your Circulars Mailed Free!

There is another way to get your circulars mailed free. As soon
as you can afford it, become a supplier of commission circulars.
The easiest way to do this is to take "all-profit" offers and
have circulars printed on two sides. On one side have your own
name and address printed. On the other side leave space for a
rubber stamp imprint.

Offer these circulars to circular mailers on a commission basis.
They keep a commission from 50% to 100% on the one side, and

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