Saturday, October 27, 2012

replica rolex watches The Pet Painter's Story_11973

Whenever she works at home, this graphic artist is haunted by a bunch of little faces. Creating print ads and coupons were what she did while at home, but everything that she did seemed colorless. Observing her through a screened door are four felines and four canines.

Because of those faces, this 34 year old's world suddenly opened up to new career. On the way to Texas, she took out the pictures of the animals and decided to paint them on canvas. Not just still lifes but portraits of green dogs and purple cats, using the kinds of colors seen on an animal but the colors she feels through their personalities.

Her objective in making animal paintings is to capture their essence. I can use different colors to paint the animal and project its personality. It was the painting of a mixed breed that she and her husband discovered in Mississippi that became her very first. This dog, red in color, remained close to the couple.

Because her dog was jealous, she decided to pain him green. The painting of animals using nontraditional colors was also done by an artist before her. In 1984, a cajun artist made a portrait of a red eyed blue dog, inspired by her own dog who had died four years ago.

The blue dog is highlighted in her paintings. People see the blue dog paintings as a touch of humor on the part of the author, but the author actually sees it as something that bothers his inner being. The artist intended for each of the paintings to actually have a deep spiritual meaning even if the paintings looked funny. The dog gives us a stare and makes us think about how to answer the questions that we ourselves often ask.

The character of the animal has to be seen in her art. She picks colors that alive and uses not so ordinary patterns to capture their actions. All the animals she adopted were either from a shelter or were wandering in the streets. The latest addition to the family is a dog who was wandering from one house to another.

She began marketing herself a pet portrait painter by going to local vets and leaving fliers. She requests from her clients photos of the animal and also a description of the animal's personality. When she knows the animal already personally, then she'll know what colors to use. There is something that the customers find in the portraits, a store owner said.

Her energetic personality was captured with they yellow paint. People who know the subjects in portraits will appreciate them more, said the artist owner of a gallery in Memphis. To view a portrait is different from showing appreciation for a portrait.

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